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Iris attends YC Female Founders Conference

Updated: Oct 19, 2018

Wow, what an inspiring day! I’m filled with inspiration and motivation to push forward, full speed ahead, with iDentical after attending the Female Founders Conference today. The female founder speakers at this conference were absolutely top-notch, poised, 100% authentic, dynamic, inspiring speakers. Each one had a unique story, with a wide array of valuable lessons interlaced within. Here are a few of my favorites that I captured:

Do these 3 things:

  1. Get customer feedback

  2. Hire “A” players - must be a cultural match

  3. Focus on what matters most

In your career, always optimize for learning and growth.

Build your tribe. Find people who are smarter than you and ask for their help. When you can, give back later.

The mental story you tell yourself is the most persuasive story.

You can have failure without success, but you can’t have success without failure.

I’m super grateful to have had the opportunity to attend this conference. My vision is that one day, I’ll be on that stage sharing the story of iDentical and how we successfully democratized dental implants worldwide and gave millions of people access to safe, fast, affordable solution to replace failing teeth.



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